Two things have been on my mind all summer - the death of Jayden Walker and the International AIDS Conference in Montreal.
Death resulting from firearm injury is entirely preventable. We must approach firearms injury as a public health crisis. It does not matter who pulls the trigger. Jayden Walker's tragic death requires all of us to step beyond our assigned roles and into the role of advocates. Let's talk about what we can do to reduce gun violence. When people are exposed to firearm violence, we can expect elevated rates of depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, violence and substance abuse.
Recently, we returned from the inspiring International AIDS Conference in Montreal, Canada. I was accompanied by We Think 4 A Change Advocates Lynn Kidd, Naimah O'Neal and Tina Marbury. We met with many people we hope to keep in touch with and create initiatives in furtherance of our work, including Harold J. Phillips, MRP, Director of the White House Office of National AIDS Policy (ONAP). He will be joining our women's retreats.
By Michelle Rollins Jackson
We Think 4 a Change, Executive Director